Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Web Design of Few Insights

Web Design Bangladesh:   Web Design of Few Insights
Maybe it's just me, but I doubt it. I am certain, well, most websites and they are so busy and I just lose badly distributed throughout the text and graphics. And I'm not even getting to know how to navigate the site. Are there any classes in school web design white space is that bad?

Let it be known, I was never formally trained in web design. And I do not consider myself a web designer. I consider myself a web developer. Sites built in basic HTML. I've built a number of websites for myself and others. I also saw tens of thousands of other people's sites. This is from experience both as a designer / developer and the perspective buyer / user that I came to see that the majority of sites miss the mark.

Now, I'm not trying to be overly critical, but there are some key elements that I believe the majority of the site will be better. I suppose most people or companies with a website they want to be effective.

First, what the hell is this site about? What are you selling? What are you trying to communicate? What is your message? What stand for / against? If I could figure out what it is about several seconds, I press on.

Secondly, again the idea of space. Ties and the first point. If there are so many graphic and verbiage that I can not focus on one area. How long does it take to figure out what the hell is this site about? I'm not here to read a novel, get the information and exit. Again, if I can figure out what it is about several seconds, I press on.

Thirdly, how long to make the necessary to load your site? I'm all for great graphics and professional looking site. However, I have a connection to high-speed broadband and it takes 30 seconds or more for some sites to load. That is too long. If the graphics are in the form of functions of the site, then maybe they need to be rethought. And again, as indicated in the first and second point, if I can figure out what it's all about, or even view the site in a few seconds, I press on.

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