Sunday, August 17, 2014

Project Life Cycle in Web Design

Web Design Bangladesh:  Project Life Cycle in Web Design

The process of designing and building a website can be very overwhelming and challenging. A lot of thought, effort and discussions lead to the launch of a "perfect place". Knowing how difficult the whole process it is a good idea to divide the process of developing a website on different levels. It will also lead to effective management of equipment and proper controls for maximum quality. The following are the steps in a project life cycle of web design:

1 Review

Why you need a website? Make sure you have an answer to the question before thinking about going further. This is particularly important in the case of business websites. A company should analyze why you want a website (a business model) - to promote the business, generate income or provide customer support. The website is going to be a part of the system. How the application or website Web-based help with existing systems or business should be based on the study.

After analyzing the requirements from the perspective of business, then it's time to focus on the needs of users. Make sure you clearly classify your target audience and establish functionality that users require. Never assume you know what the customer wants. In fact, it is a good idea for a business to consult actual or potential users and discuss the main factors that may affect the site (from the perspective of a client).

Input: Interviews with clients, supporting documents and mail, discussion notes, model sites, etc.

Output: Cost, Team size, necessary hardware, software, supporting documentation, approval, the work plan

2 Specifications

A "functional" specification is a plan or a detailed plan of the website. After carefully considering the requirements and the business users, the next step is to develop a web site details. What should be included in the menu, how the content organized, how it should develop activities, etc. are some of the questions to be answered at this stage. A designer who receives information about what should be presented and the developer focuses on functionality. Model, mocked up web pages or drawings of how work is prepared as a website at this stage.

3 Design and Development

From the information obtained in the previous two stages, it is time to determine the look of your site. The web designer will create one or more prototype designs for your web site. A lot of suggestions and changes made ​​between the client and the designer at this stage is exchanged. Design deals with the appearance of the website and how it meets the needs of clients. User Experience (UX) and Usability both come into play here. And once the design / layout is complete, be sure to move to the next stage of development. The development stage is the point where the website itself is created. The developer will have all the graphics designer and used to create an actual functional site. The development requires a lot of expertise and programming. Writing content for the website is also done at this stage. You can hire professional content writers or write content yourself.

The close interaction between teams of design and development is needed at this stage. A functional and well designed website should be the perfect output at this stage.

4 Testing and Delivery

At this stage, the development team came together to have a closer look at the details of minutes and try the website. The following is a list of things to try on your website before launch / delivery: (with a few tools and testers available online)

Flexibility (Try to vary the size of the window and font size)

· Speed ​​(to access the site via a modem specification and verification image size)

· Validation (validate HTML, CSS and check broken links)

· Independence Browser

· Accessibility

Once the web site passes the test phase, it's time to deliver the site. An FTP program (File Transfer Protocol) is used to load the files from the website to your server. After your website is uploaded to the server, the site must pass through a final trial last run to confirm if all the files are loaded correctly and ensure that the site is still fully functional .

This step marks the launch of its website, it is now seen in public.

5 Promotion and Maintenance

Once a website is launched and seen by the public, the next step is to promote the website to get visitors / traffic to the site. Some methods of SEO / SEM may be used to increase the visibility of the website and driving traffic (many web design companies are offering these services). This is a very important step, because even if you have a website, it is important for people to find your site.Another important aspect is "maintenance" of a site. Continuously update a site with fresh content and features will increase the traffic, popularity and visibility. You can work with your web designer to update the information on their website (design companies offer maintenance services at discounted price) or, if you prefer a more hands on approach, and update their own content if needed, then, a (CMS content Management System) can be deployed to your website. Its implementation is decided in the planning stage, where the designers will use the software to build a site with databases.

The process of developing a website, obviously, as well as the specific business Framework, methods, tools and languages​​, but the steps mentioned above is the general line of the measures required to develop and maintain a website.

Find more on  Web Design Bangladesh

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