The layers of web designing helps the reader to understand
the various aspects of website design as soon as I click on any web page.
Sometimes The content includes images and text and sometimes contains advice
that requires navigating through the site. There are three basics of web
XHTML usually makes the structure in terms of content and
development of the website. This presentation or style sheet is defined by the
CSS styles, which purports to show the documents and what types of media.
Behavior is the layer of the web page to hold a bit. For those with CGI or PHP
backend, is the CGI or PHP scripts that act was carried out when the reader
clicks on an object.
For those with DHTML and Ajax JavaScript, which helps the
site to do something. The first stage of the behavior of most Web pages is the
interaction of Java side.
The need to isolate the layer
The layers are kept separate, while creating web designs.
External style sheets are the best way to separate content and design. The same
applies to external Java files.
Some of the benefits of separating the layers of sharing.
When writing JavaScript or external CSS file, the user must share the file of
each Web page. No duplication of work necessary changes and carried out the
file for each page without the user making any single change.
Download function
It also allows faster downloads. At this moment, the style
sheet or script-download client for the first time, it will be cached. Every
other page load quickly downloaded in the browser window.
If more than one person is working in web design, sharing
the workload without thinking, content or consent. You can also design / CSS
expert work, while the writer works on the contents of the file and the JavaScript
script working.
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