It seems that in the face of the current global financial crisis is all but forgotten a larger problem with ramifications monumental and potentially catastrophic proportions.
We missed a window of opportunity to address climate change and the global financial crisis
In November 1992, a document signed in 1600 by leading scientists in the world, including half of all Nobel Prize winners at the time, issued a warning to all humanity to man and the natural world is a collision course . The document lists all pending environmental, water resources, soils, oceans, forests, biodiversity and overpopulation crisis. Both men eminent warned that no more than one or a few decades in most kept to avoid the threat of great human misery and suffering and warned world leaders that major changes are needed in our stewardship of land and its resources to avoid irretrievable damage to our global home.
Unfortunately, humanity is almost ignored the most incredibly important pronouncements, the loss of almost two decades which can and should we have started the implementation of concrete measures to preserve and protect the biosphere against further damage .
There is no doubt that every year has gone massively contributed to the potential hardship and suffering for our children and grandchildren will endure.
It is part of the global warming of the Earth's natural cycle?
Tell us scientists that several hundred million years ago when the continents were arranged differently, the Earth is in fact, 5-15 degrees (C) warmer than it is now. Of course that was long before the existence of Homo sapiens. Then, when the continents separated, cooled the planet continues. Took core samples show that Arctic sea ice over the past 9,000 years the temperature of Earth has been relatively stable.
Stability that lasted until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. However, since there was a marked increase in temperature. Since the increase of temperature has been in a relatively short period coincided with an increase in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and deforestation des can be no doubt that the gradual warming of the planet due to human activities. However, the temperature increase is most marked since the 1950s when consumerism has become the new code of the Western world to live and committed to the factories for the war effort, he moved to pumping products for the new "pull" age.
With the rise of industrial economies of China and India, now pumping infinite number of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the rate at which the temperature is increasing every year is ringing alarm bells around the world. Magnificent epic film Al Gore's The Inconvenient Truth brought the message home to millions. Except recalcitrant skeptics, Gore finally cleared the last vestige of the argument claiming that global warming only natural phenomenon. From the movie many climate scientists called Gore a "global call to arms" to fight climate change potentially fatal supported.
Unfortunately, to date, some hold the belief that only one or two degrees, spread over the next fifty years or so will make little difference. Unfortunately for the world, many political and business leaders from the deniers of the truth.
The ill-informed people should talk to those living in low-lying countries such as Tuvalu, the Maldives, Bangladesh and many coastal areas almost every country landlocked sea. They would soon discover the famous unfortunate these and many other countries are under imminent threat of rising sea levels.
Besides the growing flood densely populated country, we are experiencing an increase in the severity and frequency of devastating tornadoes, cyclones and storms. Most climate scientists now attribute the events and changing weather patterns to over-heating of our planet.
Droughts has also increased in severity and duration, while the polar ice cap, including all the world's glaciers and the Greenland ice shelf is melting at an alarming rate. From the deserts of Asia and Africa continue to expand, extrusion many poor communities to abandon traditional lands, throwing more stress on the ability of poor countries and falling to respond to the growing number of new refugees environment.
By vectors, such as malaria and encephalitis transmitted diseases are becoming common in previously immune to the threat of the area.
As crops fail regularly by drought, hunger is a growing problem, while in the oceans of the planet, many marine species at risk of extinction due to higher sea temperatures, increased acidification, loss of corals and seagrasses, and the rapid proliferation of marine parasites like the crown of thorns starfish. Meanwhile, the grass was found growing in the Arctic for the first time. While it makes some creatures to move closer to the North Pole, many species such as polar bears and emperor penguins, which relies on the cold conditions are threatened with extinction. Blooming flowers, birds and frogs breeding moves 2-3 days earlier with each passing day and while some forms of life thrive in warmer temperatures decades, others have been forced from their habitat. With the melting of large expanses of tundra, massive amounts of methane (five times more harmful than CO2) are being released into the atmosphere exacerbating the critical problems blithely call the "greenhouse effect".
Oceans of the world affect our climate more than many realize. They are, in fact, natural engines driving massive climate and weather patterns around the world. As the warm water of Ecuador was driven northward by the wind and the waves turned, evaporation and the star of the sea ice contribute to the density of sea water of the Arctic cools, sinks and returns to the South again.
In 2004, underwater exploration under Arctic ice found that only two of the seven massive column of cold water that helps drive the ocean circulation is working. Reported alarmed scientists that global warming is threatening the ability of the stream to work. Found the remaining range is pathetically weak compared to normal functionality, increasing speculation that rising temperatures may completely close the thermohaline circulation with potentially catastrophic for northern Europe, Russia and the United Kingdom consequences.
Because there is no doubt that the main cause of the collapse of the entire ecosystem is anthropogenic, although factors such as the orbital path of the Earth, volcanic eruptions on the sea floor and under the Arctic ice, gravitational changes, energy from deep outer space and sunspot activity all play a role. However, where the temperature changes are a result of the cause, the ecosystem of the Earth could possibly repay and adapt to life without significant damage. On the other hand, complex systems of the planet is clearly're cope with the intervention.
Because many factors contribute to the debate on climate change, scientists do not really know what will happen over the next five years, much less the next fifty. However, few would deny the devastating consequences of human influence on the planet, or they will continue for thousands of years, even were we to stop all greenhouse gases tomorrow emissions (which obviously did not happen). Despite the best efforts of scientists to now, most of the prediction and prognosis proved to be accurate. For example, the rate at which the Arctic ice is melting, the disappearance of glaciers and changing weather patterns that have passed the worst predictions.
If there is a more significant collapse or slowdown of the thermohaline circulation, no one knows if northern Europe will be significantly warmer, cooler, or even dive into a new ice age!
Most climate experts agree that now, we can not afford to adopt a wait and see approach, while climate change boffins still more computer models and analyze the complex network of interdependent factors.
Although we still believe that global warming and climate change is only part of the natural cycle of the Earth, the result is the same whether it is anthropogenic. There will be mass misery and suffering if we do not act now.
Simply reacting to changing circumstances is not suffice; Should be super-punctual and possess the worst scenario would be our reality. We must quickly implement countermeasures and develop long-term plans to deal with a crisis unprecedented in ferocity and magnitude as the history of man.
Meanwhile, back to the global economic crisis
While bankruptcies in industrial disease, foreclosures and unemployment are very real hardships inflicted on the most affected, we can not afford to drop the ball when it comes to climate change. In fact, the difficulties we are experiencing as a result of corporate greed and the undoubted lack of checks and balances on loans appropriate, seem insignificant compared to the prognosis of many of the best scientists in the world, we should stop paying attention to their the warnings.
Hoping to boost consumption, the government seems almost like throwing money in the national economy with the package and brochure "rescue" people, while many are wondering if it is a giant stake destined to fail. After all, if anyone who spends more than he earns, ending loan creditors are not responsible and logical knuckle down, work hard, pay debts and live within our means?
Surely, when financial problems, anyone in their right mind would not go out and borrow more money and spend just to maintain a lifestyle that has proven disastrous extravagant? Not too many of us are living in a fool's paradise of rampant consumerism and excess personal luxury? Is the situation different countries just because it in a larger size? Did not economic house of cards has to collapse to a point?
Where should the money go taxpayers'?
Perhaps the strategy of borrowing against future work to alleviate the current pain, but it fiscally responsible to the shore-based technologies provide fossil energy industry, where oil reserves are being exhausted and cost environmental pollution of the biosphere the current rate means that our demise?
If we are going to mortgage the future of our children, we should not look at spending money on infrastructure projects that will not cause further damage to the environment and improve the quality of life of our citizens in the future? It seemed the right time to accelerate also the development and introduction of environmentally sustainable technologies and other measures to the maximum long-term benefits for all mankind?
Here are some suggestions of great interest where government subsidies may have long-term benefits:
1 Establishment of solar power plants such as the giant to be operational in California
2 Solar, wind, geothermal hot rock (GHR) and Tidal energy,
3 vehicles hybrid vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell and electric cars and other technologies have not changed,
4 solar hot water systems, photovoltaic cells thin film
5 double glazing and houses and green buildings,
6 water tanks, grey water systems,
Water treatment system for home 7 to re-use again and again water,
8 domestic wind turbines
9 Research on the development of "water from being" device,
10 Making existing buildings and energy efficient homes,
11 Design of the new building for maintenance
11 Best city planning that discourages car use and encouraging the promotion of energy efficiency, public transport, zero-emission.
The injection of capital into these areas undoubtedly create new jobs. Additionally, by providing incentives to existing companies that are currently struggling to survive and urging them to divert productive capacity of the sample described can save countless jobs that could otherwise be missed.
Australia, like many countries with vast deserts and tropical latitudes extending to temperate areas. However, traditionally, the food bowl of the country has become more cold south, the area of agricultural production is affected by the drought and have been so for many years, devastating production. Most north bear now the brunt of the most intense cyclones, floods and natural.
While the large proportion of the population will be dealt with water restrictions, heavy rains filled the basin of north brim with much of this waste stream of water in the ocean. He met with cries of "too expensive", proposed water pipe Dam north, the rivers and lakes to satisfy the needs of the south to the drawing board never passed, but perhaps should be reviewed with an eye to drought try and ensure that the country is able to play its role in feeding a hungry world that grows exponentially each year individually.
Now more than ever, we need leaders with vision and courage, and if seen through a different perspective, the global economic crisis may be a blessing in disguise.
Alan Greenhalgh is a former sergeant in the New Zealand Police and Inspector protection services in Australia, a branch of the Federal Police responsible for providing the response against terrorism and diplomatic and consular protection.
As a former member of N.Z. Police Search and Rescue, Diving, Armed Offenders squads and elite team of Police, Alan also had the task of controlling the elements of local gangs in New Zealand. He has many fascinating anecdotes in his repertoire of police life and is well qualified to write about the human condition. He was the first security manager Parliament House of Western Australia and completed a review of important safety resigned to pursue a career in the private sector. After working for two years as a private investigator who retired to pursue a dream for a long time to write.
Throughout the career of Alan created some internal manuals and warranties as analyst who wrote the publication can cover issues mainly related to safety, but in his spare time he studied the craft of writing and composite bush ballads.
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